Planning and Management Papers
2010 - La actividad frutícola en tres municipios de la sierra nevada en Puebla: Características, Organizaciones y Estrategia de valorización para su desarrollo
Autores: | Ricardo Mendoza-Robles, Filemón Parra-Inzunza e Ignacio de los Ríos-Carmenado |
Título: | La Actividad Frutícola en tres Municipios de la Sierra Nevada en Puebla: Características, Organizaciones y Estrategia de Valorización para su Desarrollo |
Revista: | Agricultura, Sociedad y Desarrollo |
Volumen: | 7(3) |
Páginas: | Inicial: 229 Final: 245 |
Fecha: | Diciembre, 2010 |
Lugar de Publicación: | México |
Enlace: | Pincha aquí |
OTRAS OBSERVACIONES:(resultado de una tesis, vinculación a un proyecto, etc.) |
Resultados dentro del proyecto de investigación conjunto entre la UPM y COLPOS para aplicar y validar un nuevo enfoque de la planificación del desarrollo en México mediante la adaptación del modelo LEADER a través de siete estrategias piloto vinculadas a los distintos Campus del Colegio de Postgraduados (Texcoco, Puebla, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche y San Luis Potosí, Córdoba) |
The importance of the fruit production sector in Sierra Nevada, Puebla, México, lies in that it can constitute the economic motor of the current diversified production and marketing system. Using the European LEADER methodology and the value chain approach, a model was developed to evaluate local production, and it was partially applied to the fruit production sector. Results indicate that productive, marketing and institutional processes have a low efficiency level; that it is possible to triple the current peach production, that some agronomic and marketing actions are doubling the production value and tripling the transformation value, and the most important thing, that these values can be improved. We conclude that it is feasible to detonate a process of fruit production development, based on an appreciation model that includes the following elements: territorial approach, ascending approach (bottom-up), and conformation of a Local Action Group, an innovation strategy based on steps and actions directed at promoting improved production, transformation, marketing, institutional participation processes and links with other sectors, network organization for producers and commerce, and management of fruit production projects’ strategy and financing
Keywords: Value chains, LEADER initiative, innovation